Finding beauty in the

ordinary of every day


11 Jun, 2010 11:34 AM

WHEN commuting to the city each day Sutherland artist Kevin McKay takes special notice of the urban structures he is passing.

From his train seat he observed the derelict factory behind Hill Street Tavern at Hurstville as it was replaced with high-rise apartments. He painted the changes.

"There was something sad and profound about this little dead end street,'' McKay said.

"I guess the changes reflect the times, where environmental concerns are affecting the space where we live as well as industry.''

Bridges, freeway overpasses, urban developments have become the focus of his Masters research project at the National Art School, and subjects for an exhibition at the Community Gallery at Hazelhurst Regional Gallery & Arts Centre, Gymea.

"I am fascinated by the beauty to be found in the structures that are part of everyday life,'' McKay said. "The early pioneers painted the bush that surrounded them, and the track they cleared through it. I feel I am responding similarly to the world that surrounds me.''

McKay taught himself to paint, winning his first major art prize at 15. He later won the International Youth Art Prize, and his painting was on former prime minister Bob Hawke's Christmas card.

Soon after, McKay went to India where he met his wife and became involved in community aid work.

"This involved drawing up plans for a slum development project that transformed what had once been an exposed sewerage canal,'' he said.

The road travelled:  Kevin McKay at Endeavour Bridge, General Holmes Drive, Kyeemagh.

"Perhaps this is where my appreciation for the architectural form developed.''

After an advanced diploma at St George College, he won the Academic Achievement Award in his graduating year at National Art School.

McKay teaches drawing and painting at Sutherland and St George Community College.

The Interchange Paintings from the Urban Commute opens this Saturday, June 12, and runs until June 22.