St George & Sutherland Shire LEADER

WHATS ON 19 OCTOBER, 2020 -5:00 PM

And in print Wed 28 October, page 19 “Works depict art deco era”

Artists capture art deco era

in new exhibition at

Hazelhurst Arts Centre


Art deco era: Kevin McKay took inspiration from buildings around Cronulla.

Picture: John Veage

The work of six contemporary artists is now on show at Hazelhurst Arts

Centre as part of The Home exhibition.

The artists were commissioned by Hazelhurst to produce new works

responding to the theme of art deco to complement another current

Hazelhurst exhibition, Art Deco from the National Collection: The World

Turns Modern.

Artists Tracey Clement, Kevin McKay, Christopher Zanko, Nuba Saad,

Catherine O'Donnell and Lucy O'Doherty responded to the theme using

influences of art deco architecture and suburbia.

The exhibition's name was taken from the magazine, The Home, which

was published between 1920 and 1942 and focussed on modern ideas

about art and design concerning home furnishing and fashion.

Hazelhurst curator Carrie Kibbler said the timing of the two art deco

inspired exhibitions was significant.

"It's timely that Hazelhurst is presenting these two exhibitions in 2020 as

the year marks a century since the beginning of the roaring twenties and the decade that welcomed art deco style into fashion," Ms Kibbler said.

"The original site of the Hazelhurst property owned by Ben and Hazel

Broadhurst included an art deco style cottage, which has undergone

restoration in recent years, but still stands in the gardens today, retaining

many of its art deco features."

Memory and nostalgia are the focus of one of the artist's beautifully rendered paintings.

For his work, Kevin McKay focussed on the art deco buildings around the beachside suburb of Cronulla, including graceful suburban residences, the iconic beach pavilion and the train station.

The Home is on exhibition at Hazelhurst Arts Centre until November 8, 2020.